Cage is a provocative and heady work, by an extraordinary company, that bombards our senses and opens our minds – “an abstract collage” of artistic expression that should be experienced first-hand, and in which each attendee’s experience will be unique.
— Deb Miller,


Soulpepper Theatre Company - World Premiere: March 2017

About | Creative Team | Gallery


The stage, any stage, even the one within our head, is a cage… that defines, limits, reveals. What is visible and invisible, sounds and the silence that makes sound possible, all coexisting. The ordinary and the miraculous. Our human zoo. Performed by Soulpepper Founding Member Diego Matamoros and co-created with designers Lorenzo Savoinin and Richard Feren, with choreography by Shannon Litzenberger, Cage asks us to re-think, and re-experience what it is to see and hear and be.



Creative Team

Diego Matamoros, Lorenzo Savoini & Richard Feren

Performer and Writer
Diego Matamoros

Production Designer
Lorenzo Savoini

Composer & Sound Designer
Richard Feren

Shannon Litzenberger

Stage Manager
Arwen MacDonell
